Rusty Riders
For people with a full licence returning to biking
Camrider can bring the very best out in your motorcycling. We tailor courses for each rider’s ability. The Rusty Rider courses are for returning bikers who needs some confidence building and a brush up on your skill sets… Or maybe you have recently passed your test and would like someone to be there for your first ride on your new bike
Setting Standards – Genuine insurance discounts – Government regulated
- Government backed The Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency check test and administer the standards and examination of instructors
- Genuine insurance discounts The average discount is 10%. These discounts apply both with renewals and new policies.
Enhanced Rider Scheme (ERS)
Camrider are proud to have been pioneers in introducing the new government ERS course. Prior to 2008 there was no government regulation of post test training and anybody with a motorcycle could claim to be an “Advanced” trainer.
Our Managing Director, Bern Adams, whilst working as Chairman of the Motorcycle Rider Training Association pioneered a new set of standards that saw the birth of the ERS scheme. This is where a cross-group of government regulatory bodies and professional providers of post-test training such as Camrider, MRTA, DSA, RoSPA & IAM came together to regulate and set standards for customers choosing to take the training post-test. The scheme has taken 5 years to come into action with the help and involvement of many organisations and individuals. In particular, the MRTA spent many months steering and advising the government on best practice.
The result is a highly successful set of instructor qualifications and standards that ensure the customer gets a genuinely able instructor who is fully qualified.
At Camrider we can boast 12 fully qualified ERS instructors
12 scoring A+ on the observed riding exam (this exam is optional and has only been sat by a minority of ERS instructors).
11 Scoring 100% on the theory element the remaining one scoring 99%
We think you will see why we are proud of our instructors and standards!
Camrider can provide the very best in post-test rider training. Our Managing Director, Bern Adams has been a government advisor on the subject for over 18 years and our standards are second to none. Our courses take a clear assessment of your needs and then sets out a specific rider development plan for you.
The courses will improve your understanding of the roads and how to plan your riding. There is advice on systems and methods that will help you ride better and have an appreciation of how to ride more smoothly and more safely.
Key Learning aspects
Machine control
How to improve your ability to brake, corner and accelerate. How often do we take our motorcycle out and see just how well it can brake in all conditions? How to break in all conditions, along with u-turn balance, acceleration to max and swerving to miss sudden hazards, are all taught in a controlled manner.
Reading the road and understanding what helps create accidents so how to avoid them. Learn how to create a smooth well defined riding plan and anticipate accidents before they present a problem.
Dramatic improvements on cornering ability and confidence can be made with just a few hours assistance from our instructors. Steering theories including aspects such as counter steer, centripetal progression and machine balance are all covered
Group Riding
The best methods of how to manage a group ride. Rules for looking after all riders and arriving on time without stragglers. Importantly issues of how to deal with speed and overtaking.
Top 5%
How to achieve the skills to set yourself in the top 5% of motorcycle riders. See how to anticipate problems, plan a smooth ride and prolong the life of your bike and tyres.